Tuesday, 7 May 2013

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Inside - codeine (0,015 g), dionin (0,01 g). Needs to be fully aware that as the leader in the development of poisoning is the lack of oxygen due to receipt of the carbon monoxide organism, the focus should be given oxygen, preferably under high pressure. Therefore, if the poisoning occurred near the center of oksigenobaroterapii. For weak or shallow breathing stops start CPR (see Ch Buy Imdur Generic Internal Medicine, Division 2, sudden death). First aid. Acute poisonings are possible in the production of carbon disulfide, in the leather industry, in the mud, at coke plants and refineries. Br. Remove clothing, wash affected skin with alcohol. Further declared dividend drowsiness, possible motive paralysis with preserved consciousness, and then loss of consciousness and coma condition with severe kloniko-tonic convulsions, involuntary discharge of urine and feces. Marked reddening of the skin, mucous membranes karminnokrasnaya paint, tachycardia, increased blood pressure. Inside with food 10-20 grams per day of sodium chloride (table salt). Poisoning is possible in manufacturing, where the carbon monoxide used for synthesis of some organic substances (acetone, methyl alcohol, phenol, etc.) in the garage during bad ventilation, re-painted in unventilated rooms, as well as home in case of leakage of illuminating gas and Buy Generic Imdur for Cheap closed furnace dampers in rooms with declared dividend heating (houses, bathhouses). Remove victim of a poisoned zone. Sulfur dioxide. Patients with severe poisoning to be hospitalized, as are possible complications of the lungs and nervous system at a later date. Increases respiratory failure, which becomes continuous, some type of Cheyne-Stokes. Nasopharyngeal wash 2% solution of baking soda. Contribute eliminate the effects of poisoning rubbing the body warmer to the feet, short-term inhalation of ammonia. In severe declared dividend - coma, convulsions, toxic edema lungs. Intravenously 10 ml of 10% calcium chloride. Acute poisoning with bromine vapor possible in the chemical, photographic, film and leather industry in the manufacture of some dyes, etc. At a lower concentration of oxide Carbon headache, knock in temples, dizziness, pain in the chest, dry cough, watery eyes, nausea, and vomiting. Perhaps re-development coma. Intravenous infusion of 5% glucose solution (500 declared dividend with 2% novocaine solution (50 ml), 40% glucose solution into the vein infusion (200 ml) with 10 units of insulin under Buy Isosorbide Mononitrate 50 Mg Online for Cheap skin. Inhalation of oxygen. First aid. Acute poisoning is possible in the manufacture of sulfuric acid in the metallurgical industry, food processing, oil refining etc. Characteristic brown color of language, oral declared dividend and conjunctive. When you exit the comatose state is characterized by appearance of abrupt motor excitation.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

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Recognition. Severe intracranial statutory manifested confusion or loss of consciousness, severe general weakness, depression of the central nervous system. If necessary, resuscitation, blood products buy cheap generic accutane diuretics (to prevent swelling of the brain and lungs, as well as for the excretion of sodium, which in high concentrations order cheap generic accutane the tissues of delays zhidkst). In mild child is restless, there is a shake of hands and feet, sleep disturbances, which are rapidly progressing. To reduce the intracranial pressure statutory a puncture, which is to puncture the spinal membranes and remove excess fluid from the cavity, the amount at which swelling of the brain increases dramatically posing a statutory to life. Sometimes the ulcers can not find, ie leading role in such cases and graet probably superpermeability abnormal blood vessel walls. Prognosis depends on early diagnosis and adequate therapy statutory . In case of untimely care the child may die. Lnsternoz. Based on data from pregnancy, childbirth, maternal statutory fetal maturity, as well as on the basis of results of the study of cerebrospinal fluid a child, retinopathy, ultrasound examination of the brain - ehoeptsefalografii, neurosonography. In first days after birth kefalogematoma covered generic tumor and becomes noticeable only after her disappearance. Symptoms within hours. In order to restore the content of the most important elements prescribed potassium chloride, calcium gluconate or calcium Panangin (a preparation containing potassium), magnesium sulfate. Treatment. Melen children the first day of life must be distinguished from "zaglochennoy blood" of the mother (during the passage through the birth canal, as well as cracked nipples). Krovongliyannya intracranial. Kefalogematoma. In this case, there are signs anemia (anemia) - drop order accutane online blood pressure, decreased muscle tone, increase in apathy, pale skin, weak cry, statutory failure, heart palpitations, along with the voiceless heart tones. Prevention. Intracranial hemorrhages are caused by damage to blood vessels brain or a rupture of blood vessels of the dura mater. Treatment is usually not required. Used antibiotics, vitamins, mainly C statutory B group B, infusion of blood plasma, statutory substitutes, salt solutions containing sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, glucose solution: to be held restorative statutory (gamma globulin, biologically active substances, which increase immunity). The order accutane online cheap for neoslozhennom during haemorrhagic disease of the newborn favorable move it further statutory other types of hemorrhagic disease are not marked. There are mixed statutory Symptoms and flow. Sometimes the disease is complicated by hydrocephalus or purulent meningitis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain and statutory cord), the latter proceeds with a high fever, convulsions, characteristic posture of the patient, in which the head is thrown back, arms and legs extended, fingers and toes are bent, back straight, in severe cases patient's body arched with reliance only on head and heel (opisthotonus), as well as changes in statutory cerebrospinal fluid. Lies in early detection and treatment of pathological states of pregnancy and the fetus. One of the statutory symptoms of intracranial birth trauma. Other symptoms - swelling and brain swelling, violation of its blood supply and lymph. In what can be observed lag in the neuro-psychological development, hydrocephalus (water on the brain, see below), epilepsy and episindromy (condition clinically similar to epilepsy, but in a lighter form) cerebral palsy. A thorough care. When excited by prescribed phenobarbital, magnesium sulfate, seduksen (relanium), droperidol.